Thursday, October 19, 2017

Red Ribbon Week at Glenshire Elementary School

October 30-Nov. 3 is Red Ribbon Week.  
Red Ribbon Week is a national campaign that was started in 1985 in response to a DEA agent's death, who was passionate in his pursuit to rid the United States and Mexico of all illegal drugs.  His name was Enrique Camarena.  The parents and children in his home town started wearing red ribbons to commemorate his memory and what he stood for every single day.  Today, Red Ribbon Week is a time to educate youth about the dangers of drug use and encourage participation in drug prevention activities.  Glenshire's 5th Grade Safe School Ambassadors have been working hard to bring drug prevention activities to our school.  They will be putting together videos on their Natural High and all students will receive a Red Ribbon wrist band and pencil with the saying,"Your Future is Key so Stay Drug Free"- this year's theme) .  Each Classroom will receive a poster for the kids to sign.  Each day of the week will include a spirit day with a dress theme as well (please see below).  Additionally, the students will sign drug-free pledges at lunch that will be displayed in the cafeteria.

Red Ribbon Week Spirit Days
October 30th- November 3rd

Monday, October 30th- Bring a stuffy to school- “Stuff yourself with love instead of unhealthy things.”

Tuesday, October 31st- Dress Up-”Go crazy with your costume for Halloween, not with unhealthy choices.”

Wednesday, November 1st-  Wear your PJs- “ Be comfortable with yourself, naturally, not unnaturally.”

Thursday, November 2nd-  Wear a key to school (can be a real key, made out of paper on a string around your neck, or a picture of a key on your clothing)-  “Your future is key, make healthy choices.”

Friday, November 3rd- Wear your natural high to school (baseball gear, dancing clothes, soccer gear, gymnastics outfit, Karate gi. . .) “Feel great about life through doing what you love!”

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